Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mas Selamat is free, may someone save Singapore

Anyway, it's been over a week since this guy escaped and no one has even found any evidence of his presence. In my opinion, he has probably already fled the country, likely during the short lapse of security before his absence was reported.

People have speculated where he might have escaped to, and many state indonesia for it's perceived lack of security. At this point, such discussion is irrelevant because if he has indeed slipped past our borders, it will be nearly impossible to catch him. This world is small, but it's still large enough for one wily man to hide.

Hopefully he'll be caught, because I shudder to imagine the heinous acts of terror he might unleash upon our vulnerable country.

Did I say vulnerable? Because I mean it. Suuuuure you may argue that we have total defence. Everyone plays a part, right? Well sorry, but the harsh truth is that most singaporeans carry a "not my business" apathetic attitude. We couldn't even be bothered to spend a few minutes reporting some suspicious man with a santa-claus sack, while we could spend hours lining up for some crappy sale.

Do you get my point? Singaporeans are just not cut out to fight terrorism. We're living in a world of perceived peace and security. We need to have something real to us that will pinch us hard enough to wake us up. Maybe you're one of the exceptional ones who love their country and strive to follow all the anti-terrorist practices, reporting all the lost backpacks and such. But you have to admit, we're surrounded by a sea of ignorant, uncaring and unconcerned people.

Keep your eyes peeled. I won't be the one standing there when some bomb goes off.

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